Of interest
Because I seem to be pretty fond on lists, here are some more, of interesting institutions universities and people doing amazing work.
Universities ETH Zürich. Autonomous Systems Lab, Roland Siegwart robotics system lab DelftTU. Software architecture https://github.com/tudelft delftswa.github.io UPV (universidad politecnica de Valencia) URJC universidad rey juan carlos Universidad carlos iii madrid UC3M Stuttgart university, engineering cybernetics. Master of Science (MSc) focused in Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering from University of Stuttgar. Twente university. Sid Sijbrandij gitlab, roboteam, Student report Eindhoven TU/e paises bajos, github Tech United Eindhoven Politecnico de lausanne fh aachen TU München Munich TU Berlin TU Dresden Czech Technical University in Prague TU ilmenau.Technical Cybernetics and Systems Theory University of Waterloo university of Alberta Hong Kong Polytechnic University university of washington seattle West Virginia University TU Braunschweig (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5vpwVFMPqs) TU Kaiserslautern University of Nothinham. numberphile IIT Gandhinagar Fachhochschule Wedel University of Applied Sciences People Paul Graham. YCombinator Lex Fridman Sid Sijbrandij. gitlab Peter Corke. robotics toolbox Michael Nielsen. quatum computing Raffaello d’andrea. Drones Lorenz Meier. Auterion drone company Professor Jeff Hoffman. Introduction to aerospace engineerign: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight Rich Harris. svelte’s creator Randy Pausch. Alice python lecture Eric Tsui. knowledge management Fabian Riether and Sertac Karaman minidrone MATLAB Jaron Lanier Who is civilization for Arie van Deursen. software arquitecture DelftTU Rodney Brooks. directorof MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Robert Playter. Boston Dynamics Ali Agha. Principal Investigator and Research Technologist at NASA’s JPL and Caltech’s Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST) Vadim Pisarevsky. openCV developer Homayoon Kazerooni. robotics UC berkeley Carlos Galeano. NASA J. Edward Colgate. haptics John Kenneth Salisbury. robotics haptics Brendan Schulman Federico Faggin. synaptics Victoria Lemieux. Electronic Document & Records Management System Implementation Gen Sasaki. Mathworks Roger D. Launius. chief historian NASA John Carmack. Best programmer (allegedly) Don Norman. Father of UX Sergei Lupashin Adrian Bowyer. RepRap Peo Hansen. Migration Institutions dlr institute of robotics and mechatronics Companies Boston Dynamics Ocado Anybotics Auterion Gitlab Amazon robotics DJI Formlabs Markforged Prusa Mathworks Esri