Of interest
Because I seem to be pretty fond on lists, here are some more, of interesting institutions universities and people doing amazing work.
- ETH Zürich.
- Autonomous Systems Lab, Roland Siegwart
- robotics system lab
- DelftTU. Software architecture
- https://github.com/tudelft
- delftswa.github.io
- UPV (universidad politecnica de Valencia)
- URJC universidad rey juan carlos
- Universidad carlos iii madrid UC3M
- Stuttgart university, engineering cybernetics. Master of Science (MSc) focused in Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering from University of Stuttgar.
- Twente university. Sid Sijbrandij gitlab, roboteam, Student report
- Eindhoven TU/e paises bajos, github Tech United Eindhoven
- Politecnico de lausanne
- fh aachen
- TU München Munich
- TU Berlin
- TU Dresden
- Czech Technical University in Prague
- TU ilmenau.Technical Cybernetics and Systems Theory
- University of Waterloo
- university of Alberta
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- university of washington seattle
- West Virginia University
- TU Braunschweig (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5vpwVFMPqs)
- TU Kaiserslautern
- University of Nothinham. numberphile
- IIT Gandhinagar
- Fachhochschule Wedel University of Applied Sciences
- Paul Graham. YCombinator
- Lex Fridman
- Sid Sijbrandij. gitlab
- Peter Corke. robotics toolbox
- Michael Nielsen. quatum computing
- Raffaello d’andrea. Drones
- Lorenz Meier. Auterion drone company
- Professor Jeff Hoffman. Introduction to aerospace engineerign: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight
- Rich Harris. svelte’s creator
- Randy Pausch. Alice python lecture
- Eric Tsui. knowledge management
- Fabian Riether and Sertac Karaman minidrone MATLAB
- Jaron Lanier Who is civilization for
- Arie van Deursen. software arquitecture DelftTU
- Rodney Brooks. directorof MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- Robert Playter. Boston Dynamics
- Ali Agha. Principal Investigator and Research Technologist at NASA’s JPL and Caltech’s Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST)
- Vadim Pisarevsky. openCV developer
- Homayoon Kazerooni. robotics UC berkeley
- Carlos Galeano. NASA
- J. Edward Colgate. haptics
- John Kenneth Salisbury. robotics haptics
- Brendan Schulman
- Federico Faggin. synaptics
- Victoria Lemieux. Electronic Document & Records Management System Implementation
- Gen Sasaki. Mathworks
- Roger D. Launius. chief historian NASA
- John Carmack. Best programmer (allegedly)
- Don Norman. Father of UX
- Sergei Lupashin
- Adrian Bowyer. RepRap
- Peo Hansen. Migration
- dlr institute of robotics and mechatronics
- Boston Dynamics
- Ocado
- Anybotics
- Auterion
- Gitlab
- Amazon robotics
- Formlabs
- Markforged
- Prusa
- Mathworks
- Esri