Getting started with a raspberry pi


There are many ways of configuring network interfaces via modifying configuration files .

sudo raspi-config
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
service networking reload
service networking restart

Find Raspbery PI

whoami    #username
ping <hostname>.local -4

ssh <username>.<hostname>

sudo ifconfig eth0 up

sudo matlab-rpi-setup

Configure SSH

Multiple private keys can be added using ssh-add``. However for this to work the _ssh-agent_ must be activated. To check if it activated Open power shell and get information about the service if it is stoped, ssh-add`` won’t work. Configure the service as manual so it will be activated via ssh-agent. With the agent running locate the file path of the private key you want to add and pass is a ssh-add if lJ .

Get-Service -Name ssh-agent

Get-Service -Name ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
ssh-add [private-key-path]

multiple ssh keys


sudo nano /etc/environment



git configure

git config --global core.editor "code --wait"


tcp ip configuration
